Successful online business owners know popularity is a two-edged sword. It’s good for business but also increases your site’s visibility to hackers. Inadequate security measures spell doom for unprepared site owners and their customers. But there are measures to put in place to keep hackers away.
Diligence is key when cultivating a safe browsing environment for your potential and current customers. Keep your website up-to-date; this includes plugins or dependencies. Do the following at least every month to keep your website secure:
Website developers are always improving their product’s security features. Every new version comes with bug and vulnerability fixes that wipe out any known malicious bugs in the system. Regular updates are the booster shot that keeps your site safe from harm.
Change your password and restrict login attempts. Hackers are on the lookout for login forms that allow unlimited password attempts. They will find the information given enough chances. Nip this in the bud by restricting the number of login attempts.
Add an extra layer of protection by changing your password 3 or 4 times a year. Password changes, coupled with a login attempt restriction, this security measures reduce a hacker’s chance of compromising your site’s security.
Take advantage of security scans. Security scans monitor your website for suspicious activity. If there are irregularities, scanners act like anti-virus software and remove them immediately.
Effective online security measures ensure everyone’s personal information is safe from those who use it for harm. The tips we shared above are a good start for savvy business owners. Many would say that this is very basic stuff that everyone should know, but the truth is that many people fail in the very basic things, leading to spam and hacked sites.